
Applications open for milestone Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour

1 February 2022 Written by VRC

Applications to host the 2022 Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour have officially opened, with communities across Australia and New Zealand invited to be part of the milestone 20th edition of the tour.

Since the tour’s inception in 2003, the three-handled Cup has travelled far and wide across Australia and the world, with past destinations including Birdsville in central Queensland, York in the United Kingdom, Matamata in New Zealand and Katherine in the Northern Territory.

Over the past 19 years the iconic trophy has travelled over 760,000 kilometres and visited more than 560 destinations, providing communities with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get up close with the $275,000 18 carat gold Melbourne Cup trophy.

The past two editions of the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour have been unlike any other in history due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Victoria Racing Club (VRC) Chairman Neil Wilson said the Club hoped the 2022 tour will be bigger and better than ever.

“The Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour gives us an opportunity to share the magic of the Cup with people across the nation and the world and from what we have experienced over the past two years this is more important than ever,” Mr Wilson said.

“We never dreamed the tour would evolve into such a significant community event, which 20 years on, continues to grow in popularity.

“We are humbled by the excitement and joy the Cup brings to people of all ages and backgrounds and want to ensure as many communities as possible can share the experience of the people’s Cup this year.”

Newly appointed Chief Executive of Lexus Australia, John Pappas, said as Principal Partner of the VRC, they were honored to again be driving this year’s Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour.

“We are thrilled to be entering our fifth year as naming rights sponsor of the Lexus Melbourne Cup, and the 20th year of our relationship with the VRC,” Mr. Pappas said.

“We look forward to playing our part in sharing the iconic trophy with communities across Australia, as well as supporting fundraising efforts in all states and territories.”

The Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour National Sweep has also become an important addition to the tour in recent years.

Introduced in 2019, the sweep sees 24 rural and regional tour destinations across Australia allocated a barrier for the Lexus Melbourne Cup, with the town which draws the barrier of the Cup-winning horse presented with a cash prize of $50,000 to be contributed to a nominated charity for a local community initiative.

Once selected as a tour destination, communities will be supported by the VRC to plan and host a range of memorable community events during the Cup’s visit.

A stable of racing legends will accompany the coveted trophy on the road as Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour Ambassadors and share their unforgettable Melbourne Cup moments with chosen communities.

Applications can be made online at until Wednesday 13 April.

Successful 2022 Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour submissions will be announced in June, with the tour officially commencing its journey in July.

Image caption: Applications for the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour are now open (Image: Nicole Cleary)